
EditorDisplayMode allows to control what aspects of the editor are displayed when the dashboard is embedded.

The editor is the interface within the dashboard that enables modification of various elements. It provides options to customise and manage key components in the dashboard, such as reports, users, categories and more.

Specific EditorDisplayMode values can be applied as query parameters to customise the view of the embedded editor. By default, the editor displays a full view identical to the non-embedded dashboard UI.


new EditorDisplayMode()





Static property representing the CONTENT display mode. This mode simplifies the editor interface by adjusting the layout and removing non-essential elements like toolbars and buttons. Only the requested editor's content is displayed in this mode.

Example of the embedded Report Editor in 'CONTENT' mode:

Example Output
// To apply 'CONTENT' mode, add it as a query parameter in the dashboard URL:
// If no query parameter is supplied, the default editor view will be displayed.